AA-ISP Training Tuesday: Sales Negotiation Techniques - Elegant Negotiables

September 12th, 2023

12:00pm - 1:00pm EST/EDT

Traditional sales negotiation training teaches salespeople to “power up” or seize the upper hand in a negotiation. But this approach isn’t as effective as it used to be.

Your buyers now have all the power in sales negotiations. They approach these conversations armed with the confidence to demand discounts—and walk away when they don’t get them.

So, when prospects and customers start making demands for your time and your resources, and start asking for discounts, you need to embrace the natural tension of the moment and learn how to exchange value, rather than give it away.

Join Sheila Ryan, Facilitating Consultant, Corporate Visions, to learn how to close larger, more profitable deals using science-backed negotiation techniques.

Specifically, you'll learn how to:

  • Create pricing uncertainty to increase deal size.
  • Creatively manage complex, consensus-driven deals where the buyer seems to have all the power.
  • Increase per-customer profitability by ensuring contract renewals.

September's Training Tuesday is made possible by Outreach which unlocks seller productivity so that sales teams can efficiently create and close more pipeline.




All will have the ability to turn on video, unmute to ask questions, and fully participate in this unique training opportunity. Breakouts will be utilized during the session for hands-on application of the lessons learned.



This AA-ISP training session is a benefit of AA-ISP Membership. If you are not yet an active member, you are invited to attend one session as our guest. Can't join live?  No problem, register anyway to receive the playback information!

During the scheduled presentation, if you are experiencing any trouble connecting or accessing the session, please Click here to contact Zoom Support or visit https://support.zoom.us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.

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