AA-ISP Training Tuesday: Virtual Sales Presentation Skills

August 8th, 2023

12:00pm - 1:00pm EST/EDT

Virtual presentations are effective when they are persuasive. But what does it take to be persuasive in a remote environment?

This session shares practical guidelines that stem from our most recent neuroscience studies, where we research how the buyer’s brain processes information during virtual meetings, pays attention, remembers, and decides to act (or not).

Join us to learn several science-backed approaches that you can apply immediately to your next sales meeting.

In this interactive Training Tuesday with Dr. Carmen Simon, Chief Science Officer, Corporate Visions, you'll learn how to grab your prospect's attention on virtual sales calls and control what your buyers remember.


All will have the ability to turn on video, unmute to ask questions, and fully participate in this unique training opportunity. 


This AA-ISP training session is a benefit of AA-ISP Membership. If you are not yet an active member, you are invited to attend one session as our guest. Can't join live?  No problem, register anyway to receive the playback information!

During the scheduled presentation, if you are experiencing any trouble connecting or accessing the session, please Click here to contact Zoom Support or visit https://support.zoom.us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.

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