AA-ISP Idea Exchange: Aligning Sales & Customer Success as One Revenue Organization

July 27th, 2021

2:00pm - 3:00pm EST/EDT

Are your Sales and Customer Success team aligned? 

How do you know for sure?

During this faced-paced discussion, panelists will provide insight into alignment in their own organizations and discuss:

  • Sales & Customer Success - Are they the same thing?
  • Structuring your revenue team
  • Handoffs from AE's to CSM
  • Sales Tech that helps (or hinders) alignment
  • Why misalignment is a problem (and ideas to fix it!)
  • How alignment can improve customer experience
  • and much more!

Attendees will have the opportunity to chat in questions for the panel which will be addressed in a rapid-fire Q&A!


Our thought-leadership idea exchange panels are a resource for reps and leaders to learn from a variety of sales professionals from different organizations on topics that are important to moving business forward, closing more deals, and taking our teams to the next level!

Our panel will share their opinions while encouraging audience interaction, comments, and questions throughout.


Our Sponsor:


Thank you to Proposify for sponsoring this session.  Proposify is revolutionizing the proposal process from creation to close, giving your team a competitive edge.



This AA-ISP-hosted webinar is complimentary and open to all. Session will be conducted via Zoom.  Can't join live?  No problem, register anyway to receive the playback information!

During the scheduled presentation, if you are experiencing any trouble connecting or accessing the session, please Click here to contact Zoom Support or visit https://support.zoom.us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.

We're sorry, registration for this event is now closed.

All of our past events are available on demand in our Idealab, and are typically posted within 24 hours!

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