
Your success as a sales pro is directly tied to your ability to handle objections.

That's why our Presenter, Sarah Brazier is sharing her go-to responses to handle the 5 most common objections in sales. These tips work for ALL personas and account sizes.

Sarah has climbed the SDR ranks at Gong, and now she's working on the largest and toughest companies to crack into: The Enterprise.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • HOW to effectively pace your conversation when objections pop up.
  • WHAT the 5 objections are that every sales pro should be able to overcome.
  • HOW to respond to these objections so you turn "no's" into booked meetings and closed deals.

+Plus, you get a printable cheat sheet with the 5 objections and how to overcome them.

Who should attend:

  • SDRs and AEs who want FRESH and effective responses for the most common objections.
  • Sales Leaders who want to coach their team to effectively and tactfully turn "no" into meaningful conversations.


Sarah Brazier, Gong.io


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Digital selling techniques


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