
Top-performing sales organizations are meeting the challenges of increasing the quality and flow of leads presented to their "closers," as well improving their overall revenue and sales effectiveness, by deploying well-supported and carefully structured inside sales teams to handle the top layers of the corporate sales funnel. With the ultimate goals of beating quota and improving their selling batting average, Best-in-Class companies are going far beyond the simple act of employing low-value staff to "dial for dollars" into aging, purchased contact lists, and instead showing demonstrable return on their extensive investments in advanced processes and enabling inside sales technologies.

Five Compelling Facts from the Research, Providing Actionable Benefits for Readers:
1. Best-in-Class companies have sales teams with an average of 87% achievement of the overall sales team quota 3. Best-in-Class companies experienced an average 7% year-over-year improvement of their lead conversion rate
4. Best-in-Class companies experienced an average 6% year-over-year improvement of their lead conversion rate
5. 45% of Best-in-Class companies increased their average selling price or contract size on a year-over-year basis

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