
Today, over 50% of forecasted deals slip or never close at all. Customers are also more knowledgeable than ever; by some estimates, nearly 75% are through the research and buying stages before they ever talk to one of your sellers. Salespeople who can anticipate customer needs will be more effective during the sales cycle, and Sales Leaders who manage with insight will achieve better business results.

In this compelling session, Jeff Schmidt, SVP Global Sales and Services for ClearSlide, discusses new proprietary research from CSO Insights and shares key sales trends and actionable recommendations for Sales Leaders to improve performance.

Sales Leaders looking to reduce sales cycles and increase forecast accuracy.

Jeff oversees all aspects of Sales and Client Services. He has more than 20 years of technology leadership experience building sales teams and driving revenue growth. Jeff’s experience prior to ClearSlide includes prominent SaaS companies including WebEx, HighTail, PivotLink, and CoreMetrics in roles as Enterprise GM, Chief Revenue Officer, and head of global sales and services. He earned a BA in Speech Communications, Sales and Marketing from California State University, Northridge.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.


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