
Our discussion will be centered around why the modern professional sales person needs to be very technology and systems literate today.

We will look at the various ways prospects and customers are engaged.

Finally, we will look at developing trends within the sales discipline: the convergence between marketing and sales, the emergence of AI as an enhancer of sales productivity, and why it is imperative to have completely adaptable and integrated end-to-end systems.


1) With all the sales-oriented applications available out there, which can create a very complex environment, what are the most important criteria and functional requirements organizations should look at to enhance their sales capabilities? 

2) Customers interact with companies in myriad ways. What are the most important customer-engagement channels, and how does the sales communication process differ within each? For example, is it sales or marketing? What role will AI play? 

3) The return of relationship selling: personalization and account-based focused selling have become compelling once again. Why is the complete customer experience cycle so important, and how can systems enable us to nurture solid customer relationships?

Training Tuesday Host:

Richard Harris, The Harris Consulting Group


Darryl Stork, Zoho



Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching , Prospecting and pipeline creation


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