Welcome to the Wave of Automation!
New technologies are automating important parts of the sales process, making teams faster and more efficient. Businesses are yielding positive revenue results and investments in new technology show no signs of slowing. In the last year alone, 100 new technology companies were added to the sales landscape. As of January 2017, there are 450 tools for salespeople to leverage. And according to TOPO research, the average high-growth sales development team has five applications in their tech stack.
High-growth companies are keeping up with the biggest technology wave to hit their sales organization within the last decade—the wave of automation—and they’re gaining a competitive edge because of it. Much like surfers search for the largest wave to ride, these high-growth companies are capitalizing on this wave to generate more business. But why do surfers target
bigger waves? Bigger waves carry you further and the concept translates when it comes to the impact technology has on sales.
Are you ready to ride the wave of automation? This research provides insight on why others are leveraging technology, the impact it has had on their business, and what plans are for future investments.