
AA-ISP WEBINAR SERIES: Are You Breaking The Law of Immediacy?

A continuation of AA-ISP Training Tuesday: Are You Breaking the Five Laws of Sales?

Many of us learned that Sir Isaac Newton started thinking about the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head. Although gravity cannot be seen with the human eye, it is a very real force. While people can perceive the effects of gravity, scientists are not sure what it is. Sales is no different. There are laws that often cannot be seen with the human eye but are very real in their ability to positively or negatively affect your business. In this session, Gabe Larsen, Momentum Director for InsideSales.com will discuss the law of immediacy and how it effects a lead through the entire sales process.

The law of immediacy is one way sales and marketing leaders can work together. Responding immediately to inquiries and email engagement or setting up appointments as soon as possible are all ways marketing and sales leaders can begin recognizing the power of immediacy.

This session has the primary focus of sales and demand generation management and leadership, but also very applicable to inside sales reps.

Gabe joins InsideSales.com with over 15 years of experience in revenue generation, from helping financial clients price and trade complex derivatives to helping multi-national organizations penetrate new markets. As Director of InsideSales.com's Momentum Strategy team, Gabe's expertise will help clients solve the biggest problems in the Sales Acceleration space.

After co-founding his own company and working at Accenture, Gabe joined Goldman Sachs as an Equity Derivatives Specialist. There, he oversaw complex financial instruments traded on the London and Hong Kong exchanges. During the financial crisis, Gabe witnessed firsthand the devastation poor decision-making caused his clients. This experience taught him the importance of using data to drive and support human decision-making. He joined Nobel Prize winner and world-famous behavioral economist, Daniel Kahneman, at Gallup Consulting and spent four years as an international strategic consultant working with clients like Toyota, Honda, Heinz, IKEA and TD Ameritrade. Gabe helped establish Gallup's Middle East presence and doubled the region's revenue in his first year. Gabe also established himself as an international expert, speaker and thought leader by writing and speaking about predictive analytics and its ability to streamline sales and drive revenue.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.


Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching , Prospecting and pipeline creation


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