
Every profession has a unique vocabulary. Selling is no different. But in many fields, the essential vocabulary required to successfully conduct business has changed in response to new technologies, discoveries and understandings of how the world fits together. Sales has been much slower to respond with a new vocabulary that reflects the demands of selling to customers today.

Today, selling is about responsiveness, information and speed. Your prospects and customers have researched your company and products online and they have roughly 70% of the information they need to make an informed purchase decision before they contact you for the first time. This means that they are looking for immediate answers and the first seller with the answers wins. To thrive in today's competitive sales environment, you need to learn this new sales vocabulary to guide your efforts and replace any outdated concepts you maybe holding onto from the past.

Hear Cliff Pollan, CEO of VisibleGains, and Andy Paul, author and founder of Zero-Time Selling, explain how the new sales vocabulary can help you connect with more prospects, close more sales, and in turn, become more successful!


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