
With the volume of data and complexity in B2B sales increasing rapidly, Sales Operations is accelerating from an important capability to a critical function and competitive advantage for sales teams.

COVID-19 has already transformed how B2B buyers and sellers interact. In many ways, these changes are an acceleration of digital trends that were in motion before the pandemic hit, but that doesn’t mean that everyone was prepared for the sudden “shift to digital.” Traditional face-to-face interactions have given way to sales and service support by video conference, webinar, phone, human chat bots, and other means making the role of strategizing, implementing, and enabling new technology and processes for sellers even more critical and complex.

Join us as we host an expert panel of Sales and Sales Operations Leaders across a range of companies (full panel to be announced).


What you will learn:

  • Real-world advice on how Sales Operations can help ensure your sales reps have the information and skills to succeed in a new remote and digital sales environment
  • Strategies that Sales Operations leaders are adopting to save costs, increase efficiency, and consolidate the sales technology stack
  • How to adapt sales analytics programs to the new state of normal during the pandemic crisis and its aftermath in order to deliver relevant insight to the organization


Who should attend?

A Gartner, Inc. poll of 38 sales leaders on April 14th, 2020, showed that 38% of organizations have already cut sales operations budgets and another 14% plan to cut their budgets in the next three months due to COVID-19. As a result, Sales Operations leaders must adjust quickly to preserve their teams’ productivity and to anticipate the changing needs of their sales organizations.

We recommend both Sales Operations and Sales Leaders mark their calendar to attend this webinar.


Additional Resource!

Download How To Enable Your Remote Sales Team to learn the essential considerations that Sales, Service, and Support teams must consider when navigating this “new normal.”


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Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching


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