This content has been provided by Mr. Inside Sales as a complimentary resource for the Inside/Digital Sales Community in this difficult time. If you have a resource to share with the community, please reach out to [email protected]!
I’d like to thank you, my readers, for your kind comments on my blog series: “Handling the Coronavirus Selling Environment.” I’ve received some useful pointers that I’ll continue to pass on to you all as well as answer some of your direct questions.
Several readers sent in COVID-19 specific objections and stalls they’ve received over the last two weeks, and I encourage you to send in any other questions or difficult selling situations you or your team come across. I’ll do my best to provide you with solutions to help you deal with them.
Here are some objections and situations that readers submitted to me last week, as well as comments and actions I suggest you take:
Objection: “I am so sorry – we are dealing with Coronavirus impacts to our business. It is best to reschedule this call. We have had school closures, illnesses, work from home concerns.”
Comment: This isn’t an objection, it’s the truth. And it’s happening to most companies right now. The good part is this prospect isn’t saying no, rather, he/she is saying, “It is best to reschedule this call.” That means there is still interest here.
What to do: Empathize—don’t pressure. As I wrote in my first blog article, now is the time to take your salesperson’s hat off and connect with people. Follow the word-for-word scripting I outline in that article to deal with this objection.
Objection: “Please remove me from your distribution list. We are in the middle of a pandemic and find your email as a firm completely out of touch.”
Comment: Examine if your email really is out of touch! Many sales reps and companies have not adapted to the current situation and are, instead, carrying on as if business is normal. That won’t work. You need to adapt to what is happening in the world right now.
What to do: Read and follow my blog article on “Covid-19 Email Responses to Use Now.”
Objection/stall: “Good morning! Can we follow up with this once things settle down with the COVID-19? {Prospect name} is really booked right now with very little down time. Thank you for understanding.”
Comment: What a nice, understanding, and respectful response to get from someone! This person isn’t saying no, they are saying not right this moment. You need to emphasize with them when you get them back on the phone….
What to do: Pick from these email responses…
Objection: “______, thanks for following up. I don’t think we’ll have bandwidth to discuss further for a while. We are still focusing on transitioning our workforce to remote work and other COVID issues. Thanks.”
Comment: Another honest and realistic response based on what this—and many other—prospects are dealing with. Again, don’t lose heart; they aren’t saying no, they’re saying not right now. Big difference!
What to do: I’d send this prospect an email saying something along the lines of, “I totally understand; I hope you are staying safe! Our company has already transitioned to working from home and I have some tips that may make it easier on you and on your team. If you’d like, I’d be willing to take 10 minutes and share those with you. Any interest?”
Anything like that is your best option right now.
Also: Read and use/adapt any of these email responses.
Objection: “______, I did receive it. Thank you. For now, we are holding steady on current suppliers while we figure out how we work with this new virus situation.”
Comment: Again, pretty common—and understandable—response. Prospect isn’t saying no, they’re saying not now.
What to do: Try to re-engage by offering something of value. Something along the lines of, “Totally understand. Many companies are “waiting and seeing.” Meantime, I’ve had some really good conversations with my clients and they are getting pretty creative with ways of using this time.
“I’d be happy to share some of their strategies if you’re interested. Can we connect for 10 minutes next Tuesday? I think you’ll find it valuable to hear some of the things they’re doing.
Say about 10 am?”
Objection: “______, Thanks for reaching out, but this is possibly the worst time to connect given that we’re a health insurance nonprofit.”
Comment: You think? Health company and nonprofit? How can you be of service to them?
What to do: Send an email back letting them know that you totally understand and are thinking
about them and all your clients. Ask them what you can do right now to help them. Offer them some tips on working from home, on staying sane, on the latest YouTube video you saw on staying fit at home. Get creative. Connect. Empathize. Be real…
Ultimately, we’re all in this together, and your best strategy now is to just be yourself. Be interested in what other people are going through and strive more to connect right now and share solutions to working from home, on what your company is doing to conduct business, and how other clients and prospects are taking advantage of this time to come out strong once it passes. Which it will. Remind your prospects—and yourself—that this, too, shall pass.