
If you’re responsible for a call center, you know how hard it is to deliver excellent customer service consistently, while at the same time continually reducing costs. The last thing you need is a whole new set of demands and challenges. But you’ve got them anyway: you’re now being asked to generate new revenue in addition to providing great customer service. Chances are, you’re already taking some steps to incorporate a sales element into your call center. But it’s not an easy transition.

Now It’s Time To Learn The Truth About Call Center Sales.

In this paper, we will expose six common myths about call center selling, and show you what it really takes to make your call center a profit center. You’ll learn how to avoid the pitfalls that can wreak havoc in your call center when you try to mix sales and service.

Some of the issues we’ll cover include:

  • What’s the secret to motivating call center reps to sell?
  • How do you identify the best candidates, and should you change your recruitment strategy?
  • Which behaviors really drive results, and how do you assess them?
  • How should you reward your reps – even when it is difficult to measure their individual performance?
  • How can you coach your employees through this transition and help them improve their performance?
  • What type of sales training is most beneficial in a call center environment?



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