
What can be more daunting than launching a company-wide initiative where the people who judge its success talk for a living? And to add a few more bricks to your shoulders, the time and resources required to pull it off are extensive. Bottom line — it better work. Bad news — most sales training initiatives fail to deliver. At a minimum, the ROI is fuzzy, bolstered by only a few anecdotal stories strategically captured to make everyone FEEL a bit better about making the investment.

So why do most training initiatives fall short?

This paper can be helpful in evaluating potential outside training partners or when you need to ensure that your internal program is a success. It’s not a comprehensive list of “how to’s” but rather the most common mistakes organizations make when rolling out a training program. It can be helpful in evaluating potential outside training partners or in ensuring that your internal program is a success. Or maybe you’re an experienced learning executive who just needs a little support in convincing your “client” to embrace your recommended path. Regardless of the need, our hope is that the information provided will ensure you successfully transform your organization.



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