
Ever wonder what other sales tech stacks look like or even what the sales stack of the future will look like? In this webinar, we’ll reveal the results of a new study conducted jointly by Velocify and AA-ISP. We’ll take a look at the evolution of technology over the past decade and how it has influenced sales communication trends today. We’ll explore what the sales tech stack looks like in most sales organizations and planned investments in the near future. And finally, we’ll theorize what Inside Sales technology might look like in the next five to 10 years. Will trends like virtual reality put an end to business travel for good and how far will artificial intelligence go in freeing up a rep’s time to focus on two-way communication with prospects?

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Learn what technologies are indispensable and where the sales industry is headed.


Jorge Jeffery, Director Research and Analytics, Velocify Jorge Jeffery joined Velocify in 2011 and is the Director of Research and Analytics. Jorge has been instrumental in mining data from more than 1,500 sales teams that leverage Velocify’s solutions today. Insights gleaned help establish best practices for Velocify clients in order to maximize revenue potential.

Bob Perkins, Chairman & Founder, AA-ISP A nationally-recognized Inside Sales innovator, Bob Perkins has extensive executive experience building and leading highly successful inside sales organizations. During his career he has created unique Inside Sales systems and structures, including team selling models, compensation plans, rewards and recognition programs, performance management tools, and sales campaigns which have been adopted by many of the nation's largest companies. His 25 years Inside Sales experience includes positions as Vice President or Director with Unisys, Silicon Graphics, United Health Group and Merrill Corporation. Bob has benchmarked and worked with many of the country's major corporations to implement or improve their Inside Sales channels. A popular conference speaker, Bob has presented keynote addresses at industry forums and corporate sales conferences nationwide; he also maintains a video channel, Inside Sales Studio, that discusses trends and tactics specifically relevant to Inside Sales leaders and today’s digital transformation. His proven expertise with the interrelated aspects of leadership development, motivation, and sales strategy has made him one of the top Inside Sales authorities in the United States. Bob holds a Master of Science degree in education from Nazareth College, Rochester, New York.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.



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