The value and impact of sales coaching is widely accepted. Unfortunately, the reality is quite the opposite: very few sales managers are properly equipped or motivated to coach. The truth is that not all managers can coach and not all coaching is equal. Different coaching methods will suit your team better than others.
Join Tom Snyder of Funnel Clarity as he outlines alternative ways coaching can work best at your organization.
Tom Snyder is the founder of Funnel Clarity; a training and consulting company formerly known as VorsightBP. Snyder’s passion is helping companies achieve measurable sales performance improvement. Previously, Snyder spent 10 years with the sales training firm Huthwaite International, culminating in the role of CEO. He later founded Business Performance Partners, a sales and strategy consulting firm that evolved into Funnel Clarity.
Snyder is a sought after international speaker and was named one of the Most Influential Sales Leaders. He has authored two McGraw Hill best sellers, “Escaping the Price Driven Sale” (2007) and “Selling in a New Market Space” (2010).
Richard Harris, Owner, The Harris Consulting Group
AA-ISP Training Tuesday is a 30-min session for AA-ISP Members only and recurs every 2nd Tuesday at 1pm ET.
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