
Many managers struggle to hire salespeople who can and will sell - the salespeople who are coachable and trainable. Hiring great salespeople starts with attracting a pool of candidates with quantity and quality. In order to get a great candidate pool, you need to have a magnetic message aimed at your ideal Inside Sales candidate or Avatar. You need to know who you are looking for, you need to know your story...and you need to know what you offer in terms of financial, intellectual and emotional compensation to the perfect sales candidate. Then, you need a great way to sort through your candidate pool!

Sales Managers trying to figure out how to fill their candidate funnel with ideal salespeople, and how to use automation to sort efficiently and effectively through the candidate pool.

Wayne Herring is the founder of StrongerSalesPeople.com, a consulting and coaching company dedicated to helping Sales Leaders to build Strong Sales Teams of Strong Salespeople. Wayne believes that in order to attract the right sales talent to our organization we need to understand very specifically who we are looking for, and then we need to prepare our Magnetic Message (Attract and Repel) aimed at attracting our ideal sales team members….the people who will be a fit and who will be glad that they found us.

Wayne is an Engineer by training which is probably why he leans so heavily on systems and automation in the salesperson recruiting process. He was the VP of Sales of a mid-size company and decided to solve the sales hiring challenge after a day of no-shows and poor-fit-candidates in a hotel room 1,000 miles from home. Wayne became familiar with AA-ISP when he started his company’s first Inside Sales team and needed resources to help him design and build the initial team architecture. Wayne says that his favorite part of his job is pulling out and developing the company or sales team story in a way that makes his clients say, “Wow…I’d want to come work for that company!”. To which Wayne responds, “Right...you already do!”

Richard Harris, Owner, The Harris Consulting Group

AA-ISP Training Tuesday is a 30-min session for AA-ISP Members only and recurs every 2nd Tuesday at 1pm ET.

Feel free to contact us with any questions and to share your thoughts at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.


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