
All sales organizations face similar challenges today. However, the specific sales challenges that sales organizations face depend on each organization's development stage. Recently, more than 100 leading high technology and business services companies shared their challenges at each development stage and the most common issues faced across sales teams with USC Professor, Steve W. Martin. The insights and quotes provided by top, senior-level sales leaders who participated in the interviews and surveys illustrate the nature of the challenges faced and some of the methods being used to combat these obstacles.

What you will learn in this study:
"¢ The sales organization development stage your company might be in
"¢ The specific challenges associated with your development stage
"¢ The most common sales management challenges across organizations
"¢ How inside sales teams can help alleviate many sales challenges
"¢ How advantages of inside sales teams have impacted the migration from field sales to inside sales

Steve W. Martin is the author of the Heavy Hitter Sales Series. Expert on Sales Linguistics and the Psychology of Complex Enterprise Sales


Leadership and coaching


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