
Forming, growing, and even reducing sales teams usually comes with many challenges. One of the main challenges sales leaders face is determining the composition of their sales teams. In a recent study of more than 100 leading high technology and business services companies, sales author and USC professor, Steve W. Martin, uncovered what sales leaders should consider when determining the type of salespeople to add or remove from their teams. Overall, the positive perception of the inside sales model has increased due to many societal shifts, but is it the right model for your organization, and to what extent should you implement it?

What you will learn in this study:

"¢ The three major factors to consider when determining the composition of your sales team
"¢ Your organization's lifecycle stage and what that means for your sales team
"¢ Differences in the complexity of product sales cycles
"¢ The evolution of sales teams as their organizations mature
"¢ How your bias for a particular sales model could be stifling the growth of your sales organization

Steve W. Martin is the author of the Heavy Hitter Sales Series. Expert on Sales Linguistics and the Psychology of Complex Enterprise Sales.


Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching


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