
Inside Salespeople have a lot of pressure to perform, have numerous metrics on which they are held accountable, yet they lack the most important skill that determines ultimate success. In this fast-paced session, Dave Kurlan will demonstrate how to uncover the compelling reason to buy...the single motivator that determines more sales outcomes than any other!

A must-attend session for all Inside Sales professionals looking to maximize their prospecting efforts.

Dave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best selling author, radio show host, successful entrepreneur and sales development industry pioneer. He was a 2011 and 2013 finalist for Top Sales & Marketing Thought Leader, and was inducted into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame in 2012.

Dave is the founder and CEO of Kurlan & Associates, a full service integrated sales consulting and training firm and 3-time member of the Inc.5000.

He is also the founder and CEO of Objective Management Group, Inc. (OMG), the industry leader in sales assessments and sales force evaluations and named the Top Sales Assessment Tool from 2011-2014. He has decades of experience in all facets of sales development, including consulting, training, coaching, recruiting, systems, processes, and metrics.

Dave has been a top rated speaker at Inc. Magazine's Conference on Growing the Company, the Sales & Marketing Management Conference, the Sales 2.0 Conference, Inbound 2014, the Gazelles/Fortune Sales & Marketing Summit and hundreds of industry specific conferences and events.

Dave has won numerous awards for his Blog, Understanding the Sales Force, including Top Sales & Marketing Blog from 2011-2014, and Top Sales Article or Blog Post of the year from 2012-2014.

He has been featured on radio, television and in print, including World Business Review, Inc. Magazine, Selling Power Magazine, Business Week, Sales & Marketing Management Magazine and Incentive Magazine. He is a regular contributor to Top Sales Magazine, and also contributes to the Salesforce.com Blog, AlisterPaine.com, EvanCarmichael.com, CustomerThink.com, SalesCoachesWorld.com, SoldLab.com and SellingPower.com.

He was the host of the weekly business radio show, Meet the Sales Experts. He is the author of Mindless Selling and the best-seller, Baseline Selling – How to Become a Sales Superstar by Using What You Already Know about the Game of Baseball. He created and wrote STAR, a proprietary recruiting process for hiring great salespeople, and he writes Understanding the Sales Force, voted the Top Sales & Marketing Blog of 2011 and 2012. He is featured on Inc. Magazine's video How to Increase Sales and Profits by 1000% and is a contributing author to The Death of 20th Century Selling, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Volume 2, and Stepping Stones, with coauthors Deepak Chopra and Jack Canfield.


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Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching , Prospecting and pipeline creation


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