
Training Tuesday, September 9th, 2014: LinkedIn Update: New Features and Advanced Techniques

LinkedIn has released a number of new or enhanced features this year. Attend this webinar to learn how to get the most out of:
"¢ Long Form Publishing - Now Everyone Can Be Like Richard Branson & Deepak Chopra
"¢ Custom Backgrounds - Spice Up Your Premium Profile with a Graphical Make-Over
"¢ Activities - They're Back. Where To Find Them and How To Use Them
"¢ Keep in Touch - Strengthen Your Existing Relationships One Click at a Time
"¢ Advanced Social Sharing Techniques - Showcase Your Expertise to Attract Business

Presenter information:
Kurt Shaver trains corporate sales teams on advanced Social Selling skills. He has spoken at conferences like AA-ISP Social Selling, Sales 2.0, and LinkedIn's Sales Connect. Clients include leading companies in the technology, telecom, and business services industries. Learn more at The Sales Foundry.


Digital selling techniques , Prospecting and pipeline creation


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