
Join Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing and Chapter President of the AA-ISP Seattle Chapter, as he talks about how B2B organizations can leverage the social Web to find, engage and convert prospective customers before they're actively ready to buy. The channels, relationships and content available openly across the Web make it easier than ever to build strong, scalable pipelines of near-term and future business. However, one of the problems with the social Web is that it's like the biggest, best library in the world - with all of the books on the floor.

Our session this month with Matt Heinz will focus on helping you organize, harness and capitalize on the information, buying signals and qualified prospects identifying themselves to you online every day. With a mix of strategies, tactics and tools, you can get a jump start on filling your sales pipeline with more qualified prospects and conversion opportunities.

Follow Matt on Twitter | Download the eBook


Digital selling techniques , Prospecting and pipeline creation


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