
Watch the replay of Dr. Carmen Simon and Tim Riesterer walking through this new research for Corporate Visions!

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Role plays and feedback have long been a cornerstone of effective sales training, enabling sellers to hone their skills in a risk-free environment and helping managers keep sellers from going away to greener pastures.

Traditionally, simulations and subsequent feedback in sales contexts have been performed with human coaches. However, the rise of AI in this domain should not be ignored—and inevitably, it has raised questions and skepticism.

Is there a big difference between the way sellers interact with humans vs. an AI tool to role play and receive feedback? Is AI competent enough to provide coaching and feedback in a realistic and meaningful way? Could it be that just hearing the word feedback gets your heart racing and your palms sweating, regardless of whether you hear it from a human or an AI tool?

In this report, you’ll get answers to these questions and more. You’ll see the results of our comprehensive neuroscience study, which directly compares the impact of AI vs. human coaching in a role-play scenario.

Get this report to learn how you can:

  • Consider AI for role play
  • Personalize your feedback method
  • Optimize the coaching experience


AI for sales , Leadership and coaching , Technology stack


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