
In our research, buyers said that three skills set top sellers apart from their peers. Seller emotional intelligence is in the top three. How many of your sellers have all three skills? 
Watch this short clip of Dr. Leff Bonney walking through the study results.

If you're looking for the full replay where Dr. Leff Bonney, Founder and Research Director at FSU Sales Institute and Distinguished Research Partner at Emblaze, and Sylvain Tremblay, Chief Revenue Officer at Uniphore, explore the profound impact of EQ in sales and discover how they sought to answer these four critical questions:  

  • Does EQ produce better sales meeting outcomes?  
  • Does EQ result in more deals and opportunities? 
  • Does EQ enhance sellers’ problem understanding? 
  • Do high-EQ sellers outperform low-EQ peers? 

Click here.


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