Whether it was due to a service failure, supply chain challenges, or they were lured away by a better price; your formerly loyal customer decided to leave.
But does that mean it’s over for good? Or could there be a way to win them back?
A new behavioral study from Emblaze (formerly B2B DecisionLabs) tested that question in a real-world sales situation. Over 300 sellers approached 1,350 former customers using several possible win-back messages.
Find out which approach drives the best response (and which ones fall flat) in this webcast with Doug Hutton, EVP Customer Experience at Emblaze, and Dr. Leff Bonney, Associate Professor of Sales and Customer Relationship Management at Florida State University.
What this replay to get research-backed answers to questions like:
- What’s the most effective approach to re-engage lost customers?
- Should you treat lost customers more like new logos or existing accounts?
- Does their reason for leaving affect their chances to return?