
Interested in sales skills for yourself and/or your team? This e-book, produced by Emblaze parent company and top sales training company Corporate Visions, is a great preview of what's available to you. Contact us for training options.

“I sell by being a trusted advisor.”

It seems like a fine enough selling mantra on the surface. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll see that most people’s definition of a “trusted advisor” is actually the opposite of what it takes to master sales conversations today.

It’s not enough to say, “Tell me what you want; I’ll get it for you.” Buyers want you to tell them what they should want. They don’t want to sift through all the information—it’s up to you to deliver insight into what they’re missing that will improve their performance.

To do that, you need to understand your buyers’ underlying behaviors and motivations and respond in the moment with research-backed messages and situationally sharpened delivery skills.

In this e-book, you’ll discover the science-backed techniques you need to win the five Value Conversations:

  • Initiate Value™ – ignite your prospect's interest

  • Create Value® – disrupt the status quo

  • Elevate Value® – close more deals

  • Capture Value® – maximize your profitability

  • Expand Value® – keep and grow customer revenue

Get your e-book!


Prospecting and pipeline creation , Selling to senior leaders , Customer acquisition , Customer retention , Customer expansion


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