
Selling to existing customers should, theoretically, be easier than selling to brand-new prospects.

Existing customers know you. You have a history together. They’re more likely to pay attention to your marketing and meet with you to hear about new offerings.

But expansion conversations can be risky. If you succeed, you lay the groundwork for stronger, longer-lasting relationships. If you stumble, those relationships stagnate. Or worse—deteriorate.

How can you persuade your customers to buy more from you without doing any harm to the relationship?

In this e-book, you’ll find out how to develop the messages, skills, and processes you need to reinforce your customer relationships, cultivate more opportunities, and win the expansion growth play.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Embed effective processes to quickly close more deals with existing customers
  • Empower your sales leaders to support and coach your sellers
  • Integrate your tech stack to make your sales process more efficient



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