
There's growing momentum around self-directed coaching (that's where individuals take responsibility for their own development). Last year, Andy Paul and Ralph Barsi spent time talking about this on the Sales Enablement Podcast and we took notice.
In this chapter meeting we'll spend 30 minutes talking about what self-directed coaching is and why it's critical to individual success. As Andy said, "It’s important because no one cares about your career and your success more than you do. So what are you going to do about it?"
Please join us for this discussion but we ask that you listen to Andy's podcast before the meeting so you're fully informed on this movement and Andy and Ralph's views on it.
You can find the podcast on your favorite podcast provider. It's the Sales Enablement Podcast with Andy Paul
Episode 809: Self-Directed Sales Coaching? with Ralph Barsi

To find it on Spotify, click here.
To find it on iTunes, click here



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