
While it is true that most sales organizations make many efforts to keep Onboarding and Continuous Learning a priority, it is also true that one of the most common complaints of salespeople (and even one of the top reasons why reps don't succeed) is..."I didn't get enough training." Ironic, right?

Perhaps the biggest obstacle in providing sufficient sales training is the concern of lost revenue as a result of taking salespeople away from what they were hired to do, making sales. So how do companies address this conflict? The first approach is by creating a culture of continuous learning within a sales organization. The second is the timing.

Despite the efforts to "close the year out strong" most B2B sales organizations see a decrease in the volume of sales activities in Q4. This is the perfect time to level-up and sharpen the saw! 

The AA-ISP Orlando Chapter was joined by special guest Learning and Development expert, Joe Iannone for a Lunch & Learn discussion on why Q4 is the best time to focus on training.

He covered: Onboarding New HiresLevel Up Training & Training a Remote Workforce.


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