
Wondering how other teams are doing with our new Work/Sell-From-Home reality? 

We thought it would be fun (and educational, of course) to bring a team together each Friday to share their experiences, stories, and provide advice for others who are facing this new way of selling, managing, and moving forward.

This week, we will chat with the team at Infinity who has gone fully remote with team members around the US. They have had their fair share of challenges as they got started but together have put new processes, goals, and clear expectations into place.

They will join us to share their experiences and take questions from fellow AA-ISP sellers and leaders to help provide resources and continue the conversation on moving the profession forward in this time of change!


Topics discussed will include:

  • Recent Successes - Keeping the positive vibe top of mind!
  • Prospecting/Outbound – What has changed in their processes?
    • Current Customers
    • Prospecting
  • Team Collaboration  
    • How often are you meeting as a team?
    • Tips for other teams
  • Motivation
    • How is Infinity addressing motivation?
  • Tools & Technology
    • What does the Infinity WFH Tech Stack look like?
  • Home/Work-Life Balance
    • With our home and work lives blurred, the Infinity team will share how they are structuring work and family needs.


Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone who has an interest in learning how other teams are succeeding in this time of change!




Digital selling techniques , Leadership and coaching


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