This content has been provided by Integrity Solutions as a complimentary resource for the Inside/Digital Sales Community in this difficult time. If you have a resource to share with the community, please reach out to [email protected]!
In worrying times, we most need leaders to build confidence and a coach to connect with us personally with encouragement about moving forward.
It’s a safe bet that you’re reading this as you juggle any number of concerns about the coronavirus crisis along with its economic and personal implications. Perhaps you’re working from home as so many of us are doing to prevent the virus from spreading.
We thought it best to offer a few insights about what we believe is most helpful now for reaching out to your team – and with what mindset – to reassure them, bolster their confidence, and keep them connected.
Integrity Solutions teaches that, as a leader, we play different roles at different times. Each of those roles are important, of course, but some take precedence over others – depending on the situation or circumstances.
Think of the different roles as three different hats: manager, leader, and coach. In sales especially, the manager hat is all about managing the plan, everyone’s quotas, and setting/managing priorities.
The leader hat provides team members with clarity, direction, and reassurance that a plan is in place.
The coach hat involves assisting people to develop further. This is about building trust and relationships with individual team members and showing them that you understand who they are, what motivates them – and how all of that can combine for success both professionally and personally.
Here’s what we’re doing at Integrity Solutions, at least in the near term: We’re putting the manager hat to the side for now and prioritizing our leader and coach roles.
We know our people are worried about the virus, the economy, their families, and their loved ones. We are checking in with them – letting them know that we understand and share their concerns.
Of course, we’re also participating in many conversations about how to work differently but as effectively now. And we’re planning all kinds of strategic and tactical approaches leveraging virtual training and coaching that we believe will make a huge difference in the months ahead to help our clients come out of this challenging time with confidence and strength.
You might consider a similar approach to connecting with your people now. In worrying times, we most need leaders to build confidence and a coach to connect with us personally with encouragement about moving forward.
Your manager hat can come back on soon enough. Now’s the time to let your people know that they’re not alone in this, that you’re there for them in all manner of ways, and that you’re there to help chart a course through some rough waters together.
On a separate note, look for more from us soon about strategies and ideas for adjusting your approach to selling leveraging virtual training and coaching during these uncertain times. We have specific insights about how to get back on track, how to minimize downsides, and what is most valuable for connecting with customers in troubled times.
We’re all in this together. We wish you, your team, and all of your loved ones the very best at this time.
It’s a safe bet that you’re reading this as you juggle any number of concerns about the coronavirus crisis along with its economic and personal implications. Perhaps you’re working from home as so many of us are doing to prevent the virus from spreading.
We thought it best to offer a few insights about what we believe is most helpful now for reaching out to your team – and with what mindset – to reassure them, bolster their confidence, and keep them connected.
Integrity Solutions teaches that, as a leader, we play different roles at different times. Each of those roles are important, of course, but some take precedence over others – depending on the situation or circumstances.
Think of the different roles as three different hats: manager, leader, and coach. In sales especially, the manager hat is all about managing the plan, everyone’s quotas, and setting/managing priorities.
The leader hat provides team members with clarity, direction, and reassurance that a plan is in place.
The coach hat involves assisting people to develop further. This is about building trust and relationships with individual team members and showing them that you understand who they are, what motivates them – and how all of that can combine for success both professionally and personally.
Here’s what we’re doing at Integrity Solutions, at least in the near term: We’re putting the manager hat to the side for now and prioritizing our leader and coach roles.
We know our people are worried about the virus, the economy, their families, and their loved ones. We are checking in with them – letting them know that we understand and share their concerns.
Of course, we’re also participating in many conversations about how to work differently but as effectively now. And we’re planning all kinds of strategic and tactical approaches leveraging virtual training and coaching that we believe will make a huge difference in the months ahead to help our clients come out of this challenging time with confidence and strength.
You might consider a similar approach to connecting with your people now. In worrying times, we most need leaders to build confidence and a coach to connect with us personally with encouragement about moving forward.
Your manager hat can come back on soon enough. Now’s the time to let your people know that they’re not alone in this, that you’re there for them in all manner of ways, and that you’re there to help chart a course through some rough waters together.
On a separate note, look for more from us soon about strategies and ideas for adjusting your approach to selling leveraging virtual training and coaching during these uncertain times. We have specific insights about how to get back on track, how to minimize downsides, and what is most valuable for connecting with customers in troubled times.
We’re all in this together. We wish you, your team, and all of your loved ones the very best at this time.