Executive Forum

Executive Forum: Productivity SOS - Building an Effective Team Culture in Sales and SDR Teams

September 19th, 2024

11:00am - 12:00pm EST/EDT

Virtual Forum Meeting

In B2B sales and SDR teams, building an effective team culture isn’t just about camaraderie—it’s about performance. A strong culture fosters collaboration, accountability, and resilience, enabling teams to navigate complex sales cycles and hit targets consistently.

In a challenging sales environment, teams without a strong, dialed-in culture are likely struggling with performance.

During this month's Forum, we will be discussing how to build an effective team culture in sales and SDR teams.

We'll be joined by Dr. Leff Bonney from Florida State University Sales Institute and Research Director at Emblaze, who will share anonymized results from a recent sales/SDR team culture assessment. You'll hear what the results suggest about sales teams' readiness for change (how well a team is prepared to adapt to changes) and teamwork dimensions (how effectively they collaborate). 

Come prepared to learn, discuss the new study results, and share your own firsthand experiences.

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