AA-ISP Silicon Valley Chapter: Mental Health Awareness Part II

December 15th, 2021

9:00am - 10:00am PST/PDT

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How are you and your company putting your employee's health and wellbeing first? BURNOUT...It's a thing and most employees aren't receiving the help that they need. Join us on Dec 15 @9am pst and see how you can help your employees handle the stresses that come with the holidays, year-end sales numbers, mental health and substance abuse.

AA-ISP Silicon Valley Chapter is hosting this virtual session on mental health and invite you to join! You'll hear from some incredible leaders on how they are navigating this new POST Pandemic environment and how their companies are making strides to put their employee's mental state above all else. 

Topics discussed will include: 

  • Post pandemic - What are companies doing to promote health & well-being?
  • PTSD around COVID and how that is impacting the workplace environment 
  • What leaders are doing with employees to encourage ways to reduce anxiety 

 Panelists include:

  • Jeff Riseley - Founder of Sales Health Alliance 
  • Sean Kawaguchi - Board Member at Uncrushed (an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the many mental health challenges faced and how people have overcome them), GTM Recruiting at Workato 
  • Ralph Barsi - VP Global Inside Sales at Tray.io
  • Gabrielle “GB” Blackwell - SDR Leader Manager at Airtable

The Format:  

This will be held as a Zoom Meeting where each participant will be able to turn on video, unmute, and talk with each other and utilize breakout rooms for networking and sharing.


This AA-ISP-hosted Virtual Chapter Meeting is complimentary and open to all. Can't join live?  No problem, register anyway to receive the playback information!

During the scheduled presentation, if you are experiencing any trouble connecting or accessing the session, please Click here to contact Zoom Support or visit https://support.zoom.us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected] or call 1-800-604-7085 ext 130.

We're sorry, registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact Emblaze for more informations.

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