
The typical buying committee includes as many as 15 decision makers, depending on which analyst you ask. There are more stakeholders involved in the buying process than ever before, and the number keeps going up.

How do you gain consensus from so many decision makers, especially in a virtual setting? How do you convince multiple people in multiple locations to remember and act on your message?

Don’t miss this webinar with Dr. Carmen Simon, cognitive neuroscientist and a lead researcher at Emblaze (formerly B2B DecisionLabs). You’ll get three practical guidelines, grounded in the latest neuroscience research and technology, to get multiple buyers to pay attention, remember your message, and make buying decisions in a unified way.

Specifically, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use the concept of priming to create unified memories among multiple buyers.
  • Present data and insights in a way that motivates a group to act.
  • Choose words and visuals to highlight metrics that matter.


Digital selling techniques , Prospecting and pipeline creation , Customer acquisition


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