
Before the pandemic, face-to-face sales meetings prevailed. And as the world slowly opens up, many salespeople are yearning to “get back out there” and start talking to buyers in person.

But since face-to-face meetings—putting all the stakeholders in the same physical space—are difficult to pull off, companies are considering an alternative: the hybrid meeting.

In a hybrid meeting, some of your buyers will attend in person, while others might join virtually, via a platform like Zoom. But are hybrid presentations more effective than fully virtual meetings? Are people’s brains truly tired of the virtual world? And is there a way to develop a sales presentation that can work in any environment?

Dr. Carmen Simon, cognitive neuroscientist and Chief Science Officer at Emblaze (formerly B2B DecisionLabs), led this research study to learn what neuroscience reveals about your buyer’s brain during virtual, phone, and hybrid presentations.

Get this research brief to find out:

  • The impact of the delivery modality on your buyer’s brain.
  • Which delivery method performs best (and which is surprisingly the worst).
  • How to build a sales presentation that works in any selling environment.


Digital selling techniques


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