
Collaboration is king of sales intelligence

Collaboration is king. In a remote work setting more than ever, collaboration is essential. When we worked together in person, it was easy to walk over to someone’s desk to have a question answered or solve a problem.

Regularly scheduled Zoom get-togethers are a good idea to keep us discussing relevant and important issues on a scheduled basis.

For example, we coordinate with our clients every week to discuss outstanding matters of interest, situations requiring resolutions, wins, losses, learning experiences, advice-giving, or sharing.

Since we are tasked with filling the pipeline with qualified prospects for our clients, it’s important to collaborate with personnel from different business areas who interact with their customers.

For example:

  • One week, in addition to the standard agenda, it may be interesting to hear from product development or product marketing about a new product, features or benefits, and how clients could use them in real-world applications.
  • It would be nice to know from support renewals why clients are renewing their contracts with us, what they like about our company, product, service what they would like to see improved of the offering.
  • Or maybe the finance representative talks about a few of our wins and how they affect the company’s financial stability.
  • Maybe marketing shares a few of the campaigns they’ll be developing and implementing to drive awareness even if we are not tasked with following up on the marketing initiatives’ leads.

When we are in separate and remote locations, more frequent creative exchanges of information have been invaluable to us to produce better results for our clients. Just a thought. Try it — you may like it.



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